Analysis of Prospective Engineers’ Needs of Learning through English for Specific Purposes


  • Dr. Ghulam Dastgeer
  • Asma Ghulam


English for Specific Purposes (ESP), needs analysis, present situation, target situation


English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is important for learners in various fields. It enables them to study their courses and complete their graduation. It helps them seek good jobs and enhance their performance. Its importance lies in preparing learners for effective communication, analyzing needs, and exploring text (Dudley-Evans & St. John, 1998). Needs-analysis is essential before developing ESP course outlines. Engineers in Pakistan need English to perform at national and international levels. The researchers decided to carry out a needs-analysis at Wah Engineering College, Wah Cantt, Pakistan (WECP). This descriptive study employed a questionnaire comprising 43 statements covering five constructs: Learners' opinions on reasons for learning English, their perceived abilities, needs of English-skills, learning-needs, and role of teacher and syllabus. All the 1280 students of graduate programs comprised a  and 116 learners were selected randomly from Chemical Engineering Department as a sample for this study. The data were analyzed for frequencies and percentages of responses and mean for overall impression for constructs. The findings disclosed that the learners wanted training in all ESP skills especially writing and speaking and they wanted to learn through a learner-centered approach 


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